440 International Those Were the Days
February 2
https://www.groundhog.org/ It was actor/comedian Bill Murray’s least favorite day. For those of you who have seen the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day, you’ll remember that Bill Murray had to relive Ground Hog Day over and over again. Well, not here, bubba!

We have the goods on just what this special day is about. Ground Hog Day is when a bunch of folks in Punxsutawney, PA get up way before the crack of dawn, put on tuxedos and fancy gowns, march to the city park, and pull old Punxsutawney Phil out of his little house in a tree trunk. Then they observe him as he goes about doing his groundhog shadow thing. If the woodchuck (aka ground hog) doesn’t see his shadow, it means spring is on its way. If the critter sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter, which upsets the folks gathered ’round. So they fry him up for breakfast... Surely, you’ve heard of ‘ground chuck’? (Sorry.)

The tradition of groundhog weather watching dates back to this day in 1887, long before Willard Scott and Al Roker. But not that much longer.

more on this day

Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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