440 International Those Were the Days
February 26

https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm The Grand Canyon was established as a National Park on this day in 1919 by an act of the U.S. Congress. The gigantic gorge that cuts through the high plateaus of the northwest corner of Arizona was formed by thousands of years of erosion. The raging Colorado River was the culprit.

Called one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon National Park covered 1,218,375 acres ... and still does. It measures 18 miles across, over two hundred miles long, and is a mile from its rim to the Colorado River below.

The Grand Canyon, home to American Indian tribes for many hundreds of years, was first discovered by European explorers on the Coronado expedition of 1540. An inspiration for artists, musical compositions, amusement park attractions, novels and more, it remains one of nature’s most magnificent displays, attracting over two million sightseers a year.

From the Grand Canyon Web site run by the National Park Service: The Grand Canyon we visit today is a gift from past generations. Take time to enjoy this gift. Sit and watch the changing play of light and shadows. Wander along a trail and feel the sunshine and wind on your face. Attend a ranger program. Follow the antics of ravens soaring above the rim. Listen for the roar of the rapids far below. Savor a sunrise or sunset. As the shadows lengthen across the spires and buttes, time passing into the depths of the canyon, understand what this great chasm passes to us - a sense of humility born in the interconnections of all that is and a willingness to care for this land. We have the responsibility to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to form their own connections with Grand Canyon National Park.

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Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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