440 International Those Were the Days
July 3
https://www.abbottandcostello.net/ The legendary comedy team of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello debuted on this day in 1940 with their network radio show on NBC. The duo replaced Fred Allen for the summer months.

Twelve years later, Abbott and Costello went on to produce 52 episodes of one of the most successful and repeated programs in TV history, The Abbott and Costello Show. A cartoon version of the human cartoons followed in 1966.

The most famous of all Abbott and Costello routines was Who’s on First. The names of the players and their positions in the hilarious skit were: First base: "Who"; Second base: "What"; Third base: "I Don’t Know"; Shortstop: "I Don’t Care" (or, "I Don’t Give a Darn"); Pitcher: "Tomorrow"; Catcher: "Today"; Left field: "Why" and Center field: "Because". So, now you know.

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Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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