440 International Those Were the Days
March 17
https://facty.com/network/answers/culture/whats-the-history-behind-st-patricks-day/?style=quick&utm_source=adwords-network&utm_medium=c-search&utm_term=st%20patrick%27s%20day&adid=507238234715&ad_group_id=67857200069&utm_campaign=FA-USA-Search-Whats-the-History-Behind-St-Patricks-Day-Desktop&gclid=CjwKCAiAgvKQBhBbEiwAaPQw3AR5vqmIZqynWI0fcdwZVKhyr7fjdIAR7sxFWRi9ATEKYXYI1C1UoRoC0EIQAvD_BwE In 432 A.D., Bishop Patrick left his home in England and returned to the country where he had once been enslaved. His purpose was to introduce Christianity to the Irish people. Many legends were told about Patrick, including the most famous, that he had charmed all the snakes into the sea, ridding Ireland of them. He was so loved that he was made the patron saint of all of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated in Ireland on his feast day, March 17th, since the year 461. Today, Saint Patrick’s Day is still a legal, national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Irish people have traveled to all parts of the world bringing their holiday with them. In 1762, those who came to New York formed the first of New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day parades; an annual event ever since. This year, 125,000 marchers walk the two-mile green stripe down NYC’s famed Fifth Avenue, with another 2,000,000 watching them, the largest St. Patrick’s Day parade anywhere.

Most of those New Yorkers will be wearing the three-leafed shamrock. It is said that St. Patrick used the green-leafed clover to illustrate the Trinity.

We’ll be wearing green or we’ll be be pinched for sure, whether we’re Irish or not ... even though we don’t know how the pinch became part of the day’s traditions. Maybe it’s those leprechauns who started the pinching.

When and how corned beef, boiled cabbage and potatoes became part of this day’s celebration are also a mystery. We can kinda figure this one out for ourselves; but green beer and green bagels are another story.

more on this day

Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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