440 International Those Were the Days
November 21
http://www.worldhelloday.org/ Here’s one event that you can participate in without it costing you a dime or even one red cent. It’s easy, and it’s good for everyone. What could possibly be so wonderful? World Hello Day, that’s what.

This friendly annual event began on this day in 1973 and has grown enormously since. People in 180 countries have participated and the heads of state of 114 countries have given their approval.

Now here’s what you do to participate: you just say, “hello” to ten people on this day. Greet them warmly and with a smile. And you can say, “hello” in any language.

The reason: World Hello Day will put us all one step further ahead in the attempt to advance world peace through personal communication.

more on this day

Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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