440 International Those Were the Days
September 23
https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/presidents/richardnixon We’re not referring to the game of checkers, here. This is about a dog named Checkers. The dog, a cocker spaniel, belonged to former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon. This presidential dog was different than Him and Her, Lyndon Johnson’s beagles; Ronald Reagan’s two dogs, Lucky and Rex, George Bush’s pet dog, Millie or even Bill Clinton’s buddy, Buddy. Abraham Lincoln’s Fido, Harry S Truman’s two dogs, Mike and Feller and Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Heidi were also never part of a political controversy.

Checkers, however, was the subject of a speech given this day in 1952 by Mr. Nixon, then a candidate for vice president. In the televised speech, he stated that he would not give back a gift -- whether it had political ties or not -- because it was a present for his daughter.

The gift in question was Checkers and the speech was forever referred to as the “Checkers Speech.”

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Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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